💜💜💜 ITS VOLUNTEERS’ WEEK 💜💜💜The first week in June every year is Volunteers’ Week. To celebrate this, and to say thank you to our incredible volunteers, we have asked them to just give us a little story about themselves and how they got involved and why they love it, below are just a few but to read more please visit our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/168208779917045/

Please meet Siobhan Healey and her story…..
Back in 2016, I took a career break after I lost my Mum. I spent part of my time off with Pawprints, and it was better than any therapy, helping me to get through some pretty tough times. Needless to say, I’ve been volunteering when I can, ever since.When I was little, I used to get so upset thinking about how sad shelter dogs must be, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Everyone is hugely dedicated and it’s awe-inspiring to see how much love and care is shown to every single dog who comes through the door. It’s like a little family – we laugh at the antics of our furry masters (and each other,) and cry together when things don’t quite turn out how we’d like. Most of all, we’re fiercely proud of what we do. It’s an absolute blessing to be part of our Purple Army.
Please meet Diane Hull and her story…..
Having been a dog owner all my life and reaching a time when my weekends were no longer dominated by football and athletic matches with kids, I decided I wanted to volunteer in some way. December 2015 was my first pawprints date when I rocked up to pets at home to help. When I asked about other volunteer roles I was told about dog walking which was just up my street. I’ve been doing it ever since, just over three years every Saturday afternoon . We aren’t allowed favourites but my first proper doggy crush was a staffy called Watson..then there was Spud, another staffy and of course who can forget Brie! Finley, Mabel and Creasey .. I fell in love with them all. But then of course there was Diesel! Bittersweet when he found his forever home. My phone is jammed packed full of doggy pics and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s rewarding and fun and apart from the dogs everyone who volunteers is amazing. Pawprints is a family and I hope to be involved for many years to come.
Please meet Jayne Rowe and her story…..
I’d been living in Beijing, China for 3 years and thoughts of home were never far away. I volunteered at a large animal shelter there and hoped there may be a similar set up in Rugby whenever it was that I’d return. In 2016 I had my induction at Dunsmore Kennels and met Anita, Michelle Griffin, Marie and others who warmly welcomed me and the other inductees with great grace and humour.
Thus, my dogging days commenced. I walk dogs on a weekly basis armed with bags of sausage. Not all of them want treats but those that do take them in varying degrees of enthusiasm. A good day is still having 10 digits attached! I’m fully retired and my time spent with the dogs is priceless. It gives me a sense of purpose and sometimes its enough to just sit with a dog humming, singing or talking to them whilst ruffling, massaging or giving a good old bum scratch. I’ve the utmost respect for the kennel staff who ensure we have quick swappsies of the dogs making our job of walking them relatively seamless.
With Pawprints I’ve been able to attend the ADCH (Association of Dogs & Cats Homes) conference twice, in house training sessions at the kennels and other seminars which inspire and energise me.
The fundraising events are such fun to be a part of and an excellent opportunity to see how well the whole team works hard to pull it all together for the love of dogs. They’re great too for meeting up with fellow volunteers and sharing tips.
I love what I do, I’m made to feel valued for my contribution to the rescue and consider myself privileged to do so. Never have I been so obsessed by poo/poo bags and poo buckets!Thank you for letting me be a part of the amazing team that is Pawprints Dog Rescue. All hail the Purple Reign…🐾💜🐾
Please meet Wendy Russell and her story…..
I’ve been volunteering for Pawprints since 2012 and have done several different roles.
It all started with my friends brothers dog going missing and a few volunteers from Pawprints offered their time to help look for her. That was the first time I had heard about them and learnt how many dogs were not claimed from pounds whilst searching acres of farmland trying to find her.
After she was found I decided to look into Pawprints more and help others with searches. I had been a stay at home mum for 12 years so volunteering in school hours gave me a way of meeting like minded people, getting me out of the house and having the satisfaction of doing something good.
I started going over the kennels once a week walking dogs, then Pawprints started to grow and dog walking became more. Photography, events, helping with admin, fostering, and now where I spend most of my volunteering at the charity shop.
I’m always getting told thank you for everything I do but really I should be thanking them for helping me get my life back (ha ha) With not knowing anybody in the area and not being comfortable around strangers, the minute I got involved the uncomfortable feeling disappeared. From that moment on I felt I was amongst friends 😊