Hi all Walt’s here. I just wanted to let all my friends and family at Pawprints know I am doing well in my new home. My new skin mum and dad are taking good care of me, I am having a couple of walks a day to get to know the surrounding area, and pulling the girls. Their other kids are nice and I think me and the grandson are going to be best mates. My new neighbours are Chihuahua and a Jackapoo so we’re having fun barking under the gates and through the walls at bed time. Rich the postman is nice and friendly but I’m not keen on the window cleaners, and made them jump this morning. Thanks for taking such good care of me and finding me my forever home. I’ll come and lodge for a few days in the summer when mum and dad go on holiday( that’s what they fink, don’t they watch the news?). Take care and thanks again. Love Walter.