The Admin slaves are claiming they have been really busy lately so even though i was actually adopted a couple of months ago they have only just got around to telling everyone about it…

Hi Pawprints 💜 I was known by you as Rupert-Bear but my new pawrents swapped my name to BRUCE (After bruce wayne aka. the bat man! So I am basically a superhero! How cool is that!?!) I’ve had a very busy few weeks so let me fill you in! I met my new best friend gordy (we play all day!), met a cat! (Ill be honest they can seem scary… but actually are pretty harmless, and i occasionally get to steal his left over wet food… so win!), I have also met lots of other dogs who I love to play with (I’m told some also used to live at pawprints! How awsome is that?!). The pawrents have also been doing what they call puppy boot camp… I am apparently a very clever boy, I can do lots of tricks and have had great fun learning scent training and have been allowed to try swimming! #justkeepswimming. When I finally flake out at night I also have a lovely squishy bed all to myself… and apparently I can expect a new bed soon? Thank you for all the cuddles and fun while I was with you! I had a great time with you all! Sending licks and wet nose smushes your way, Sir Bruce 🐾