Hi, it’s Mia here though I seem to be called Mimi, meems, mio myo, amongst other things! I’ve been with my new family for just over a week and I love them so much. I have to show them how much I love them as much as I can with big licks and snuggles. My humans have bought me lots of lovely things including a nice big bed, however when I was exploring upstairs I found a much bigger more comfortable one that I have to share with my mum, but i suppose I don’t mind. She keeps telling everyone how much I snore and wriggle, I could say the same for her! I have a new little fury brother, they tell me he’s called bumble, I hear he’s a guinea pig, I quite like him, we like to touch noses! He likes to share his treats with me, they are quite tasty. I’ve been on some lovely walks and discovered some new parks, I even had a paddle in a stream! I can’t wait to see what adventures they take me on in the future. Mum said she is going to put photos on Facebook to show you all how I’m getting on.
Bye for now love and licks, Mia x