Since arriving at Pawprints Dog Rescue i was always hopeful to find my Jason but then i thought ‘i should be so lucky’. Well a couple of weeks ago some humans came to visit me and i thought ‘i just can’t get you out of my head’ and hoped that they would come back so i could be one of their furry ‘kids’.
Well i think it was ‘love at first sight’ but when they left they said ‘give me just a little more time’ as their heads where ‘spinning around’ from meeting me and seeing how gorgeous i am.
Well its good news and there is a ‘celebration’ as ‘better the devil you know’ they realised how amazing i am and adopted me, so not only have i got a new home but at last there will be no more ‘Kylie quotes…. so i thanks you all for taking care of me. Lots of love and licks Kylie