I arrived at Pawprints Dog Rescue after an incident at home meant i was not able to stay there. I was very scared and confused but the lovely slaves at the kennels helped me to settle and showed me lots of love and affection.
I needed a very special home and needed a human to understand my needs, understand that i can be anxious and give me time & space to adjust and settle and take things at my own pace. After various assessments i was ready for my new home so off we went for me to interview said human and see if they passed the tests.
On arrival it was a bit of a miserable day, it had been raining so the garden was wet and muddy which as most of you will know doesn’t bother a spaniel. We went into the home and it was paradise, there were balls, soft toys and 2 beds to choose from. The patio doors were open so i thought this was my chance to really test the human so off i went and did zoomeis around the garden, got as muddy as i could then ran back in the house put my muddy paws everywhere and waited to see what happened….. well lets just say he passed with flying colours as he went off and came back with the mop and said ‘no spaniel owner should be without one of these…’
I decided i wanted to stay and during then next week i put the human to further tests such as jumping in his nice bubble bath after he left it unattended, taking him on 10 mile walks and sleeping on his head. None of this phased him and i decided he was a keeper, so i have stayed and i am very happy with life ( i am not too sure the human knows what he has let himself in for as i have plenty more tests to keep him on his toes) , anyway i bid you all farewell well i go and plot more mischief. Lots of love and licks Bentley.