Tisha and Gomez are looking for their new homes. (Together or separately)
These 2 dogs are just delightful and have fast become favourites in the hearts of staff and volunteers.
Please don’t be put off by their cropped ears. Humans mutilated them for no good reason other than a fashion statement an act that is illegal in the UK. (Crop your own ears if you want to, but leave the dogs alone).
Cane Corso is an Italian mastiff (pronounced Can-Ay Core-So) and are renowned for their good temperaments. These two certainly have really loving temperaments.
These are not banned breeds.
They do not require muzzles in public.
There is a lot of talk about dogs being of type but these are most definitely not.
Tisha is around 2.5 years old; Gomez is approx 2 years old.
Please complete a form from our website if you are interested in rehoming either of them.